Living in Languedoc

As I searched Youtube looking for something interesting to show my high school students about the differences between French and American schools, I ran across this video about the French school lunch program.  The contrasts between their lunch system and our’s in America are astonishing!

French children are taught from the very beginning, at home like at school, the importance not only of eating healthily, but also what it means to enjoy a meal and the company with whom one shares it.  It’s no wonder that French children can more easily, and more patiently, sit through a three or four course meal on a regular basis without making it torturous for both themselves and their parents (or teachers!).

Enjoy the video, and tell me your thoughts!

Sunday Morning’s Man in Paris David Turecamo explores France’s strict diet regiment within the school system’s gourmet lunch menu.

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10 thoughts on “

    1. Exactly! I re-blogged it from a young French woman currently living in the states. She is moving back in about 3 months. I knew about this but didn’t have all the information nor that little film clip. When I saw Jennifer’s, I thought it would go over well with my posts. 🙂 xx

  1. Lea, this video is amazing to me ~ much as I enjoyed school meals in my day, these are truly wonderful!

    Five-course meals for three-year-olds, fantastic ~ but most impressive, the hi-tech ultra-hygenic kitchens that keep examples of the food for two months ‘just in case’ there are problems reported. The idea that the menu is sent to the family with recommendations for dinner ~ outstanding. I love that everything is made by hand, that it costs between $5-$6 and the city will pick up any difference that a family can’t afford ~ I applaud that they ‘buy local’ and that ‘eating is a pleasure’ to share.

    The whole ethos is one that could / should be installed everywhere. ‘A work of art’ ~ for sure.

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