La Plage at Saint Malo


Saint-Malo was founded in the 1st century BC a short distance away from where it stands today. The Romans later fortified the city.  A monastery was established in the 6th century by Irish monks. Around that time the rocky island in the north was named after the celtic bishop Maclou.

The rock known as Saint-Malo was connected to the mainland by a mere causeway of sand. This was its natural defence during the raids conducted by the Vikings. What remains of the ancient ramparts were added in the 12th century by Bishop Jean de Chatillon.

Saint-Malo’s citizens traditionally exhibited a fiercely independent spirit. This strength of character and determination kept them in frequent conflict with the rulers of France, Brittany and England.  This spirit was epitomized by the city’s sailor merchants. They gained their riches from pillaging foreign ships out of The English Channel. Granted license by the King of France, they were free to go “coursing” after enemy vessels from which they retained a percentage of the profit of all captured ships and were known as corsairs. Squint your eyes on the shore as the sun is setting and it doesn’t take much imagination to visualise corsairs on the horizon.

While Saint-Malo sustained heavy damage during WWII, much has been done to restore it to its former glory. Today it is one of the most popular places to visit in Brittany.

Regardless of the time of day, the beach of Saint Malo can take your breath away.

Yet, the beaches are stunning and deserve a post of their own. Perhaps they can entice you to visit this charming city? Dig your feet into the sands and gaze out to where pirates once ruled the waves.












21 thoughts on “La Plage at Saint Malo

    1. It is wonderful Christine. They say that Brittany has much in common with Wales and is even more like Wales than France. They make that stunning
      lace that my little Welsh grandmother made and the language is suppose to be very similar. I’ve been to Brittany but not to Wales so will have to take the words of others for now. 🙂

      BTW, those Breton Crepes are amazing!



  1. Beautiful photos that show your love for the sea. I love imagining the history of places like this. Sometimes I can almost see those pirates.

    1. If you were there, I imagine you would see them. You have a wonderful imagination. They are there for those who can see! 🙂
      As you say, I do love the sea. Perhaps because I am a Selkie at heart. If you are not familiar with the legend of the Selkie, you might enjoy checking it out. There is a darling old film about them that my children loved to watch and it was called The Secret of Roan Inish. Enjoy!

      1. Thank you and I’m glad we share that love for the sea! I grew up with Irish influences from both sides, and love the Selkie legend and The Secret of Roan Inish too.

  2. Exquisite photography, and such interesting history… the name is so familiar, but I never thought about how old and historic it is… and had to be… on the coast just there…As usual; I’ve learned something, thank you

    1. Unfortunately, the photos do not do it justice. When there, I stayed a week. Plan for more if you can as it is not enough as you will quickly discover.

    1. It is amazing. I do hope to return one day. Yet, I am very happy where I am and enjoy exploring the region and beyond. Thanks for visiting one of my blogs and I am glad you enjoyed it. 🙂
      I saw something on your blog about poetry but have not located any yet? Merci!

    1. Ah, yes! Great minds think alike… 🙂

      I’ve never gone swimming in a sea I didn’t love. 🙂 Perhaps that is the Selkie in me?

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